Glennon Doyle Melton, recovering bulimic and alcoholic, has hard-earned wisdom to share with anyone needing a kick in the pants, hug, or wake-up call.
Categories: Video Podcasts
Glennon Doyle Melton, recovering bulimic and alcoholic, has hard-earned wisdom to share with anyone needing a kick in the pants, hug, or wake-up call.
We can reduce "mean girl" when we focus on "Bully-proofing" elementary school girls. Dr. Michelle Anthony has important tips for parents and teachers.
Educational visionary Richard Gold founded Pongo Teen Writing Project to help at-risk youth speak the truth of their experiences and to heal wounds.
No matter how your past has shaped you, you can shape your future. Coach Alden Mills has tips for encouraging kids to shape their future success.
Before Keith Zafren became a great dad and inspirational parent coach he had to heal from his own "father hunger." His journey can teach us all.