Are video games bad for kids? @DrRachelKowert reveals current research about kids' gaming and social/emotional development.
Are video games bad for kids? @DrRachelKowert reveals current research about kids' gaming and social/emotional development.
Parent-child communication builds trust and encourages empathy. Robyn Silverman (@DrRobyn) parents to confidently talk to kids about anything.
Our relationship with food defines our physical & emotional health. Sociologist Dina Rose helps parents teach kids healthy eating habits for a lifetime.
Moms influence their daughters’ body image. Author Dara Chadwick offers parents tips for shifting 'body talk' and feelings from negative to positive.
Award-winning author Rachel Simon discusses how her younger sister's disability has presented challenges and life lessons from which all can benefit.
We can reduce "mean girl" when we focus on "Bully-proofing" elementary school girls. Dr. Michelle Anthony has important tips for parents and teachers.
When is it absolutely right to medicate your child and when is it not? Journalist Judith Warner went looking for answers and found some real surprises.
When parents receive a diagnosis of autism they're filled with questions. Autism advocate Shannon Des Roches Rosa provides hopeful, helpful answers.
Autistic kids often have trouble communicating. Carly Fleischman proves the importance of finding your voice and making it heard.
Parents adopting kids from other countries or troubled backgrounds may face challenges. Dr. Karyn Purvis offers keys to parenting with compassion.
Are we pushing kids too hard to get them to succeed in school? Or not pushing them hard enough? Sarah's got strategies that work.
The average dad spends less than 30 minutes a day with his kids. Even with tight schedules, storytelling can increase the value of parent-child time.
What do you do when your child's diagnosed with ADD/ADHD? Which of the dozens of treatment paths do you take? What if they don't work?
When the need to fit in conflicts with a teen's need to be unique, (s)he may believe it's an either/or choice. How do we help our kids be their unique selves?
The lessons of intimacy we teach at home help our kids grow into adults with the confidence to discover who they ought to be.